[:nl]Avonturen van glas[:en]Adventures of Glass[:es]Aventuras del Crystal[:pl]Adventures of Glass[:]


Kaspar Glas is een onopvallende jongen die niet wordt gezien door zijn klasgenoten vanwege zijn slimheid. Dan overlijden zeer plotseling zijn ouders en trekt hij in bij zijn merkwaardige oma. Zijn grootmoeder besluit hem zelf te onderwijzen en leert hem zaken waarvan hij nog nooit heeft gehoord. Terwijl zijn oude leven lijkt op te lossen is er een ding dat hem overeind houdt, de boeken van de historische avonturenreeks Pieter Paksan. Op zijn twaalfde verjaardag leest Kaspar de hoofdpersoon los. Pieter, dolblij dat hij verlost is van zijn eigen avonturen, neemt Kaspar mee naar de Wereld van Verbeelding. Daar realiseert Kaspar zich dat, als hij hier levend wil uitkomen, hij gebruik moet maken van zijn eigen talent, zijn slimheid.

Avonturen van Glas (11+) is volgens menig lezer een ode aan de fantasie. Een boek dat je pakt, je meeneemt en je niet meer loslaat.
Het jeugdboek Avonturen van Glas stimuleert kinderen om te dúrven zijn wie ze wíllen zijn; hun eigen legende te leven. Dat geldt ook voor kinderen met dyslexie! Het bijzondere is dan ook, dat dit het eerste kinderboek van de wereld is dat ook is uitgegeven in Dyslexie, het lettertype van Christian Boer dat heel makkelijk te lezen is voor mensen met dyslexie. Avonturen van Glas verscheen in de top tien van best verkochte kinderboeken van CPNB Kind & Jeugd. Daarnaast heeft Lorena Veldhuijzen namens de stichting Leef je Taalent honderden boeken op basisscholen gratis kunnen verspreiden.

De Engelse organisatie Start-Bee die wereldwijd kinderen, leraren en ouders van diverse schrijfkits voorziet om ondere andere het schrijven met de pen te stimuleren en te verbeteren, heeft Avonturen van Glas geadopteerd voor haar  -Dyslexie-handwritingkit. Avonturen van Glas zal worden vertaald in het Engels en in het Spaans.



Kaspar Glass is an unassuming boy. He doesn’t get noticed much by his classmates because he is very smart. When his parents suddenly die, he moves in with his peculiar grandmother. His grandmother decides to homeschool him and teaches Kaspar about things he has never heard of before. While his old life seems to disintegrate, there is one thing that keeps him going, the historical adventure book series ‘Pieter Paksan’.  On Kaspar’s twelfth birthday his reading somehow releases the main character Pieter from the book. Pieter is delighted to be free from the books’ adventures and takes Kaspar along to the imaginary world. Kaspar realises that to survive in this new world, he has to use his own talent, his intelligence.

Adventures of Glass (11+) is an ode to fantasy according to many readers. A book that reels you in, carries you along without letting go.

The children’s book, Adventures of Glass, encourages readers to be who they want to be, to live their own legend. Also for children with dyslexia! This is the first ever children’s book to be published with the Dyslexie font, a letter font developed by Dr Christian Boer, which is easy to read for people with dyslexia. Adventures of Glass made it into the top ten bestselling children books for CPNB Child and young readers. Hundreds of books were distributed by Lorena Veldhuijzen to primary schools throughout The Netherlands, free of charge, on behalf of the organisation ‘Leef je Taalent’ (Live Your Talent).

‘Start-Bee’ is an English organisation that supplies handwriting e-learning programmes and Handwriting Kits to children, teachers and parents worldwide, to help stimulate and improve handwriting. This organisation has chosen ‘Adventures of Glass’ for its Dyslexia Handwriting Kit and will be promoted worldwide. ‘Adventures of Glass’ will be translated into English and Spanish.





Kaspar Glass is an unassuming boy. He doesn’t get noticed much by his classmates because he is very smart. When his parents suddenly die, he moves in with his peculiar grandmother. His grandmother decides to homeschool him and teaches Kaspar about things he has never heard of before. While his old life seems to disintegrate, there is one thing that keeps him going, the historical adventure book series ‘Pieter Paksan’.  On Kaspar’s twelfth birthday his reading somehow releases the main character Pieter from the book. Pieter is delighted to be free from the books’ adventures and takes Kaspar along to the imaginary world. Kaspar realises that to survive in this new world, he has to use his own talent, his intelligence.

Adventures of Glass (11+) is an ode to fantasy according to many readers. A book that reels you in, carries you along without letting go.

The children’s book, Adventures of Glass, encourages readers to be who they want to be, to live their own legend. Also for children with dyslexia! This is the first ever children’s book to be published with the Dyslexie font, a letter font developed by Dr Christian Boer, which is easy to read for people with dyslexia. Adventures of Glass made it into the top ten bestselling children books for CPNB Child and young readers. Hundreds of books were distributed by Lorena Veldhuijzen to primary schools throughout The Netherlands, free of charge, on behalf of the organisation ‘Leef je Taalent’ (Live Your Talent).

‘Start-Bee’ is an English organisation that supplies handwriting e-learning programmes and Handwriting Kits to children, teachers and parents worldwide, to help stimulate and improve handwriting. This organisation has chosen ‘Adventures of Glass’ for its Dyslexia Handwriting Kit and will be promoted worldwide. ‘Adventures of Glass’ will be translated into English and Spanish.



Kaspar Glass is an unassuming boy. He doesn’t get noticed much by his classmates because he is very smart. When his parents suddenly die, he moves in with his peculiar grandmother. His grandmother decides to homeschool him and teaches Kaspar about things he has never heard of before. While his old life seems to disintegrate, there is one thing that keeps him going, the historical adventure book series ‘Pieter Paksan’.  On Kaspar’s twelfth birthday his reading somehow releases the main character Pieter from the book. Pieter is delighted to be free from the books’ adventures and takes Kaspar along to the imaginary world. Kaspar realises that to survive in this new world, he has to use his own talent, his intelligence.

Adventures of Glass (11+) is an ode to fantasy according to many readers. A book that reels you in, carries you along without letting go.

The children’s book, Adventures of Glass, encourages readers to be who they want to be, to live their own legend. Also for children with dyslexia! This is the first ever children’s book to be published with the Dyslexie font, a letter font developed by Dr Christian Boer, which is easy to read for people with dyslexia. Adventures of Glass made it into the top ten bestselling children books for CPNB Child and young readers. Hundreds of books were distributed by Lorena Veldhuijzen to primary schools throughout The Netherlands, free of charge, on behalf of the organisation ‘Leef je Taalent’ (Live Your Talent).

‘Start-Bee’ is an English organisation that supplies handwriting e-learning programmes and Handwriting Kits to children, teachers and parents worldwide, to help stimulate and improve handwriting. This organisation has chosen ‘Adventures of Glass’ for its Dyslexia Handwriting Kit and will be promoted worldwide. ‘Adventures of Glass’ will be translated into English and Spanish.

